
征稿启事:文字、摄影作品 — “原住民与我”


1. 文字作品(学生组):在卑诗省各级各类教育机构注册的学生提交的作品。
2. 文字作品(其他组):除上述学生组以外的所有人员提交的作品,但纪录的故事必须与卑诗省有关。
3. 摄影作品:反映“原住民与我”主题的各类摄影作品。

• 征稿面向所有目前在卑诗省各级各类教育机构注册的学生,或者,
• 征稿面向其他社区人士和网民,但作品必须与卑诗省有关。

1. 紧扣主题:“原住民和我”。作品反映你对体现原住民的风景,人物或事物的真实体验和记忆。提交的内容应强调相互理解,尊重和信任。
2. 题目自拟,提交作品可以用中文或英文撰写。
3. 每位提交者只能提交一篇文字作品(字数限制在600- 1500字之间),和/或摄影作品最多三幅(需高分辨率)。
4. 提交格式:文字作品仅限Word文档,包含作者的真实姓名,联系信息(电话和电子邮件)。学生组提交的内容应包括其学校的名称。如果希望以笔名发布提交作品的,请提供相应笔名。摄影作品为图片格式。

1. 所有提交作品请发电子邮件至:ccs100ccs100.2018@gmail.com
2. 邮件请在主题栏内注明 “CCS100 + 标题 + 作者名”。
3. 征稿截至日期:2022年9月30日(太平洋时间)
4. 征稿不收报名费。
5. 每个投稿类别组设一、二、三等奖各一名,得奖者将获得相应奖品和证书。
6. 得奖作品和高质量的入围作品将会在加拿大百人会网站或合作媒体陆续发表。
7. 本次征稿活动得到卑诗省2021/2022年度多元文化和反种族主义项目对加拿大百人会专项资助的支持。
8. 加拿大百人会对本次征稿活动有最终解释权。

加拿大华裔百人会 (CCS100) 是一个致力于通过知识和战略促进加拿大华裔社区最高利益的会员组织。它在加拿大注册为非党派和非营利的非政府组织(www.ccs100.ca)。

Call for Submission: Essay and Photo Contest – “First Nations and I”

The inception of multiculturalism in British Columbia started with the relationship between the First Nations and Chinese communities over 150 years ago. To uphold he value and principle of Canadian multiculturalism, it is critical to emphasize the understanding, respect and trust between different ethnic groups, and rediscovering the bonds between the First Nations and Chinese communities becomes a significant part of this process.
There are perhaps no better ways to reflect this relationship between the First Nations and Chinese communities by storytelling through words and pictures. Therefore, the Canada Committee 100 Society (CCS100) is calling for submission of essays and photos on the theme of “First Nations and I”.

Types of Submission
CCS100 welcomes and accepts original submissions focused on the theme “First Nations and I” in following three categories:
1) Essays – Student Group: submitters who are currently enrolled in all levels of education institutions in B.C.
2) Essays – Others: all other submissions based on stories happened in B.C.
3) Photos: images reflect the theme
Note: Original submissions mean the piece is produced and owned by the submitter, either published or un-published. By submission, the original author grants CCS100 non-exclusive rights to use and publish the essays or photos through its website, publications and collaborating media outlets under author’s name.

Who Can Submit?
• All students who are currently enrolled in all levels of educational institutions in B.C.
• All community members and netizens who have stories or photos happened/taken in B.C.

Submission Requirements
1) Stay on the theme – “First Nations and I”, reflecting your true experience and memory with the first nations’ sceneries, characters, or things. Contents submitted should be emphasized on mutual understanding, respect and trust.
2) Topic can be self-defined and –explained, and submission can be written in either Chinese or English.
3) Each submitter is welcome to submit one essay (between 600 – 1500 words), and/or three photos (high resolution).
4) Submission style: Word document only, with author’s real name, contact info (phone and email). Student submission should include name of their school. Submitters should note and provide a pen name if they wish to have the submission published in the pen name.

How to Submit?
1) All submissions should be sent to: ccs100ccs100@gmail.com
2) All submission emails should include “CCS100 + Topic + Author Name” in the subject line.
3) The deadline of submission is September 30, 2022 (PST).
4) No fee is required for all submissions.
5) Top 3 submissions in each category will be selected by CCS100 organizing committee. An award and certificate will be presented to the winners.
6) High quality submissions will be posted on CCS100 website or published in the media.
7) CCS100 recognizes funding support from BC’s 2021/2022 Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Grant for this Call for Submission.
8) CCS100 has the final explanation of this Call for Submission.

About CCS100
The Canada Committee 100 Society (CCS100) is a membership organization dedicated to promoting the best interests of Chinese community in Canada through knowledge and strategy. It is registered as non-partisan and not-for-profit, non-government-organization in Canada (www.ccs100.ca).


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